Way of attaching
- Let us remember how to use and discard napkins properly.
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①How to use pad
②Getting started
③Parts for absording menstrual blood Wing(help secure the pad inp lace)
④Let's put it on!
⑤Remove the wrapper and backing paper all at once.
⑥And take out the pad.
⑦Align the wings to crotch.
(the area that goes between your legs)
⑧And place the pad to your panties.
⑨Remove the backing of the wings.
⑩Spread out the wings snd wrap them around the underside of your panties.
How discarded
- Let us remember how to use and discard napkins properly.
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①How to dispose a pad
②Spread out the wings and peel off the used sanitary pad from your panties.
③Fold the wings inside,
④Fold the wings inside, and roll the pad to cover the menstrual blood.
⑤Wrap up your old pad in the wrapper of your new sanitary pad.
⑥Always dispose the used pad into a trash box.
Never flush sanitary pans in the toilet!